Community Spotlight: Dr. Taiesha Adams (Hormone Health Coach)
1. Please tell us about your background and how many years you have in the industry as a Hormone Health Coach?
Like most women, I wear several hats. Professionally, I have been an educator for 16 years. During this time, I served as a teacher, school administrator, district leader, and now a state level leader. I am also actively involved in church ministry, serving as a licensed minister (one of my greatest accomplishments in life!). I received this honor in 2013. My experience as an educator and minister is what undergirds and guides my coaching. I have been a certified life coach for 4 years, 2 of which have been dedicated to helping women have healthy hormones and happy periods.
2. What was your interest in this field? Was this something you’ve always wanted to study and pursue?
My interest in hormone health coaching was inspired by my personal experience with fibroids, endometriosis, and everything that comes along with it. I was that woman that knew something was a bit “off,” but couldn’t quiet figure out what it was. I struggled with shame, guilt, embarrassment, weight gain, acne, numerous blood transfusions, a blood clot that nearly took my life, depression, anxiety, and the list goes on. So, I know what women with hormonal issues experience. I know the things they don’t want (or are too ashamed) to talk about. I also know that many women need help to feel empowered in their body, balance their life, connect with their inner self, and simply live their best life!
Although my experiences were not pleasant at all, it was the journey divinely orchestrated for me to endure so that I can, in turn, help the next woman experience transformation to better sleep, more energy, weight loss, clearer skin, happy periods, and of course, healthy hormones. Did I ever see myself as a hormone coach? Nope! Did I ever see myself being vulnerable enough to share my story for the benefit of others? Nope, I was too ashamed! Well, apparently God had other plans and it’s in His perfect will that I strive to be each day! Not only did He turn things around for my good, but He also turned my pain into my passion! He’s amazing, right?!
3. We always hear about hormonal imbalances, but we never think that it should be something every woman should get checked. How important is it to know about our hormone levels?
Whew – where do I start?! Most women don’t know what our hormones do for us. The reality is…they do a lot! Hormones play an essential role in practically every system of our body, especially the endocrine system. When sex hormones (like estrogen and progesterone) are working in perfect harmony, they do amazing things like make babies, handle stress, reduce acne and other skin blemishes; and regulate sleep, digestion, and weight.
However, when hormones are imbalanced, the consequences can be extremely detrimental and cause other health issues to manifest. It can even cause a domino effect impacting your sleep, digestion, metabolism, and menstrual cycles. Practical example – when most women get hormonal weight gain, they cut calories, lower carbs, increase physical activity, try different diets. In reality, though, what they really should be doing is balancing their hormones in order to lose the weight! When it comes to the body, some things aren’t really what they seem! Therefore, it is extremely important that women are in tune with their hormones.
4. Is there a certain age where we should really think about having them checked?
Great question. From my research and experience, hormonal imbalances can start as early as the teenage years. I was actually diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance at age 13. However, hormonal imbalances most often occur during the 20s and 30s when women start to encounter all the pressures and stressors of everyday life, along with physical, mental, and emotional effects of hormonal imbalance.
5. What are some signs that we should look for that will let us know that we need hormone help?
There are many signs that your hormones are out of whack. Signs include, but certainly are not limited to, mood swings, fatigue, insomnia, unexplained weight gain, and acne.
For me, it was mostly painful periods, fibroids, acne, weight gain, trouble losing weight, irritability, depression, and anxiety. I was told by medical professionals that these symptoms were normal and, like most other women, was given birth control pills. But were the birth control pills really getting to the root cause of my issues? Of course not! My hormones were out of control and birth control pills were not going to reign them back in!
Once I got my hormones in check, I was able to take back control of my health and overall wellbeing! In my Hormonal Imbalance Checklist, I provide other signs to look for as well as some practical steps that women can take to feel better, look better, and to get their hormones back on track once and for all! If two or more of the symptoms listed seem to describe you, then balancing your hormones may be an important contribution to improving your quality of life.
6. Some women suffer from extremely bad PMS. If your hormones are working in balance, will your PMS symptoms be minimal each month?
Unfortunately, PMS is common. Hormones are powerful, and when they’re fluctuating (as they do before your period) they can make us feel mentally, emotionally, and even physically out of balance. Every woman is different. Some will experience PMS, some won’t.
Common PMS symptoms like mood swings, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, sore breasts, and bloating shouldn’t have a significant impact on your overall health and well-being. However, PMS symptoms that go beyond discomfort like heavy, irregular, or painful periods or feeling exhausted, with a low mood and low motivation are NOT normal and are usually a sign of a hormonal issues. With that said, if your hormones are significantly out of balance, then yes, you should expect to experience more severe PMS symptoms. On the other hand, when your hormones are more in balance, then you should expect minimum or even no PMS symptoms at all.
7. What are some of the causes that aid in our hormones becoming “out of whack”?
Hormonal balance is deeply connected to the food we eat, the exercise we get, the toxins we absorb, and most importantly, the stress levels we endure. Evidence shows that the root causes of hormonal imbalances are estrogen dominance (the primary culprit), compromised gut health, environmental toxins, high inflammation, and high stress levels.
8. My sister and I are both women of color. Does this factor make us more susceptible to hormonal imbalances?
As mentioned earlier, estrogen dominance tends to be the core root cause of hormonal imbalance and it appears to affect African American women in record numbers. Research suggests that African American women tend to have higher estrogen levels (estrogen dominance) than their Caucasian counterparts, making them more susceptible to hormone-related problems such as pre-term birth, uterine fibroids, and infertility. Research also suggests that African American women even have higher body fat percentage than women of other races which too is problematic because fat tissue stores hormones.
When working with my clients, I’ll sometimes refer to a 2013 study which found that African American women were significantly more likely to experience painful periods, often leading to taking time off work. Not only that, but also bleeding so heavy to the point of anemia, resulting in the need to take iron supplements. I was that statistic! In 2018, I bled very heavy for 5 months straight. I was passing blood clots so large that if I didn’t know better, I would have thought I was having a miscarriage. I was put on several medications to stop the bleeding, which only led to developing a blot clot in my left leg that ultimately traveled to my lung. The bleeding slowed (it didn’t stop), but it was at the cost of nearly losing my life. Actually, with all the blood I was losing, I had already started losing my life because life is in the blood!
One last nugget, according to the Fibroid Foundation, by age 50, up to 80% of African American women will experience uterine fibroids, compared with 50% to 70% of white women. Because of these numbers, some people say that fibroids are the “curse of the Black woman.” The difference may be due to various inequalities including lack of access to health care, higher rates of obesity, skepticism of the medical professionals, and systemic racism toward African American patients.
9. Can you share with our readers if there are any natural remedies we can use towards making sure we maintain healthy balanced hormones?
There are several natural remedies women can use to maintain optimal hormone health, from avoiding anti-inflammatory and sugary foods to using essential oils and all natural/organic hygiene products. With that said, when I work with my clients, I create personalized plans to meet their unique needs and goals in three primary areas: nutrition, physical activity, and stress management. Because I am so passionate about healing organically (the way I believe God intended), I often create resources especially for women and I’d like to share one of them with your readers for FREE: my How to Heal Fibroids Naturally tip sheet. This resource is so near and dear to me because these are the things I was so desperately looking for during my horrific time with fibroids, so I know that there is a woman out there in need of this information.
I just really want to be a blessing to someone – I don’t want any woman to endure the pain, agony, and suffering I experienced because of not knowing how to keep her hormones in check!
10. Can you also tell us about any services you provide and where our readers can sign up if they want to know more about this topic?
I offer private and group coaching. In full candor (and love), my private sessions are not for women looking for the next quick fix. Working with me will require you to take action and create change in your life. I want my clients to succeed, so I only work privately with women who are serious about creating more balance in their lives, their hormones, and their health.
My group coaching is a 12-week program entitled, ReNewed Hormone Academy. Women who participate in this academy will achieve long-term results, restore their energy, balance their hormones naturally – all with the love and support of other women! I truly believe that we are better together.
So, to the woman that is ready to have healthy hormones, more energy, clearer skin, and weight loss… working with me is exactly what you need!!!
Read more about my services here: I’d also like to invite your readers to join my FREE Facebook Group to engage with me and other women in the Facebook group and to learn more about ways to improve their hormonal health as well as lifestyle solutions for healing reproductive issues like fibroids, endometriosis, and PCOS.
Private Coaching:
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A special thank you to Dr. Taiesha Adams for sharing her expertise with us and our readers. Please leave comment below and share your thoughts on today's collab. Also, please follow Dr. Adams on all of her social media platforms listed above.
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